Denver Divorce Attorney
There are several key advantages of a private settlement.
Divorce is a difficult thing to go through for many reasons. It can be stressful, expensive, and time consuming. Being able to reach a private settlement in your divorce can save you from suffering through many of these things. Nicholas Family Law is here to help you and your spouse work through the divorce process in order to reach a private settlement.
What are the Benefits of a Private Divorce Settlement?
First and foremost, one of the most enticing aspects of a private divorce settlement is that it can avoid litigation. Divorce litigation can take a very long time and expenses can quickly mount. A divorce proceeding can take months or even years to finish. After the trial is complete, there may even be an appeal which will lead to more time and money expended. Additionally, litigation can fracture whatever positive feelings you may still have towards your spouse.
While marriages do not work out, preserving a positive, or even civil, relationship with your spouse is incredibly important if there are children involved. A litigious divorce is prime territory to foster increasing levels of animosity between you and your spouse. A private settlement can help prevent this from happening and allow you and your spouse to work out a positive co-parenting relationship post-marriage. This will be in your best interest and, more importantly, in the best interest of your children.
Another key benefit of a private divorce settlement is that you get more control over the outcome. This is especially important in divorces involving high net worth. Divorce has substantial financial implications for everyone involved. Being able to have control over the outcome of a divorce means having control over your financial future. If you are unable to reach a settlement, your financial fate is mostly left up to the courts. In approaching a potential settlement, you are allowed to see multiple options. You have the time to evaluate both the short and long term consequences of the settlement. You also have the opportunity to looks at things like the tax impacts of the settlement. These are luxuries that you will very well miss out on when you leave your divorce outcome for a judge to decide.
Last, a private settlement is exactly what it claims to be—private. A divorce is personal and there are plenty of things involved that most people would like to keep private.
We are here to help you work towards a beneficial private divorce settlement.
If you and your spouse want to work towards a divorce settlement, Nicholas Family Law is here to help. Contact us online or call us at 303-522-4552.